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Data Harvest Group were looking to create a full new dynamic system for use in physics education. The system would enable a wide range of motion-based experiments requiring a full set of smart carts, metered tracks, magnetic end-stops, light gates, weights and pulleys. So while the function of each part was critical it also allowed us to design a family aesthetic to tie together each of the elements. All while ensuring they survive in a school environment.

Smart Cart Blue Sketch Image
Smart Cart Concept Sketches

Design for experimental purposes provides its own challenges. Every aspect of this design had to be thoroughly considered to ensure the accuracy and consistency needed within the dynamic motion of the system. Every magnetic and sprung rebound of the cart required a measurable and repeatable motion. Prototyping, hands on testing, and working closely with manufacturers were key to achieving the reliability that Data Harvest required, all while keeping a strong family aesthetic.

Smart Cart Double Set